Tuesday, November 17, 2020

No Time!

We have been sooo busy! 

I went on an exchange with Sister Poulson in Westlake YSA (the area I
was trained in)!

My companion went through the temple in Frezno...no I didn't get to go with :(

We had MLC!

We had CDC and I gave a discussion/role play on the gospel of Jesus Christ!

We had a Plan of Salvation lesson with our friend Zach! 

Our friend Nahum is doing great!

Ruben is on date for the 5th of December! He's full of faith! 

A member made us Japanese curry!

Funny story: So. . . For the past 2 weeks weeks that I've been in Ventura we've had a spider living right above our doorway, and finally Sister Dahl and I decided to name her, and when we found out she was a black widow, of course we called her Natasha. Well, Natasha started out pretty small, but over the past week she's gotten HUGE! And since she's nocturnal, every night when we came home, she'd be out on her web, and she got the the point where she wasn't scared of us. So we decided it was time to take action . . . We called the Zone Leaders that live in our complex, and told them to come kill Natasha. Fast forward a bit, and now she's dead :( as sad as it is, I'm not scared to walk in the door now!  haha!

Time is FLYING! I love my mission! 


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